1. 駕駛執照 (Driver’s License)

在加拿大駕駛汽車必須持有有效的駕駛執照, 而駕駛執照也是一種個人身份證明文件. 駕駛執照由各省份自行簽發. 安省是實行分級考試制度. 新移民一般需通過G1筆試以及2次分級路試G2到G考路試才能獲取正式的駕駛執照, 若新移民在國外已擁有2年以上的駕駛執照, 可以帶到加拿大做公証, 或有機會減免等待路試的時間. 安省的駕照分3 級: G1, G2, 和G. G1相當於學習駕駛, 不可單獨駕駛; 新移民登陸後通過筆試就可獲得. 若無有效海外駕照, 拿到G1後至少等候8个月才可參加路試, 考取G2駕照. G2是实習駕照, 需經1年實習期后參加G2路試, 才可獲得G牌
2. 怎樣學習駕駛 Learning from a professional
As an experienced driving instructor, I am aware of the challenges and difficulties students face when learning to drive. Therefore, in my courses, I tailor the content and methods of instruction to each student's level and progress. I will not only teach basic traffic rules and maneuvering skills, but also emphasize safety awareness and defensive driving principles. I will use clear language and demonstrations to explain proper practices and strategies for various road conditions and situations. I will also provide a wealth of practice test questions and actual test routes to help students prepare for the test.
If you want to pass the Ontario G2 or G class test quickly and efficiently and become a good driver, then don't hesitate! Contact me now! I guarantee that you will achieve the desired results under my guidance!
As an experienced driving instructor, I am aware of the challenges and difficulties students face when learning to drive. Therefore, in my courses, I tailor the content and methods of instruction to each student's level and progress. I will not only teach basic traffic rules and maneuvering skills, but also emphasize safety awareness and defensive driving principles. I will use clear language and demonstrations to explain proper practices and strategies for various road conditions and situations. I will also provide a wealth of practice test questions and actual test routes to help students prepare for the test.
If you want to pass the Ontario G2 or G class test quickly and efficiently and become a good driver, then don't hesitate! Contact me now! I guarantee that you will achieve the desired results under my guidance!
4. 怎樣找一位專業, 有經驗, 一教您就學會的教練
I am an Ontario driving instructor. I have 18 years of Canadian driving standard teaching experience. I have formulated a driving curriculum manual that provides detailed explanations and practical teaching instructions, which I like to call the ‘1, 2, 3 Driving Method’. This manual covers concepts such as lane change, parallel parking, head-in and back-in parking, left and right turns. In just two hours, I can teach you 30% of the required driving skills, ensuring that you are 100% confident with your driving, I am also a BDE (Beginner Driver Education) course instructor and upon completion of your certificate, you will get a 30% discount on car insurance prices.
我是安省駕駛導師畢業, 有18年加國教車經驗, 100% 加拿大駕駛標準教學, 專業, 誠實, 細心講解, 自製實用教材, 自創123駕駛法, 簡單, 易學. 對轉彎, 變線, 平衡泊車, 頭入, 尾入, 特別有效. 二小時教您學會30%駕駛技術, 令您信心十足. 省錢, 省時. 我們以提供全面且易於學習的課程而自豪,課程專為滿足每個學生的需求而量身定制。 我們的目標是幫助您對駕駛考試充滿信心並做好準備,並養成終生受用的安全駕駛習慣。 我們的教練,具有丰富经验和良好口碑, 致力於幫助您取得成功.
我們的學生怎麼說 多倫多最強教車師傅
I am an Ontario driving instructor. I have 18 years of Canadian driving standard teaching experience. I have formulated a driving curriculum manual that provides detailed explanations and practical teaching instructions, which I like to call the ‘1, 2, 3 Driving Method’. This manual covers concepts such as lane change, parallel parking, head-in and back-in parking, left and right turns. In just two hours, I can teach you 30% of the required driving skills, ensuring that you are 100% confident with your driving, I am also a BDE (Beginner Driver Education) course instructor and upon completion of your certificate, you will get a 30% discount on car insurance prices.
我是安省駕駛導師畢業, 有18年加國教車經驗, 100% 加拿大駕駛標準教學, 專業, 誠實, 細心講解, 自製實用教材, 自創123駕駛法, 簡單, 易學. 對轉彎, 變線, 平衡泊車, 頭入, 尾入, 特別有效. 二小時教您學會30%駕駛技術, 令您信心十足. 省錢, 省時. 我們以提供全面且易於學習的課程而自豪,課程專為滿足每個學生的需求而量身定制。 我們的目標是幫助您對駕駛考試充滿信心並做好準備,並養成終生受用的安全駕駛習慣。 我們的教練,具有丰富经验和良好口碑, 致力於幫助您取得成功.
我們的學生怎麼說 多倫多最強教車師傅
我可以幫助你快速學習駕駛技術, 辦理减免气車保险費証書, 安排G2 - G牌考路試.
謝教練 (國語、廣東話、英語)
代辦中國, 臺灣, 香港, 車牌公證. 特快排考期. 減保險證書.
如果您加入我的課程後, 感覺與我所講的事實不同, 我保證100% 退錢給您.
免費送給您下載: 安省駕駛手冊
Ontario Driver's Handbook 安省駕駛手冊 手冊的目的, 主要是幫助各位駕駛人仕, 更多地了解安省的交通規例, 行車安全, 備免不必要的交通意外, 減少不良駕駛記錄. 平平安安地在加拿大過新生活 ![]()
1) 至少16歲以上
1) 至少16歲以上
Canada Driver Training And Drive Test
教练车. 考G1. G2. G牌.
多倫多教練. 教車師傅. 汽車駕駛教練. 多倫多謝教練. 多倫多學車.
G1考試. G2考試. G牌考試. 特快排考期. 減保險證書. 特價保險, 交通告票
加拿大考牌. 加拿大考駕照. 考牌練車. 多倫多練車. 最新G1中英文筆試. 多倫多教練. 加拿大考駕照. 練車. 加拿大駕駛教練. 駕駛教練. 多倫多教車師傅. 開車教練. 考G1. 考G2牌. 考G牌. 考駕照. 多倫多駕駛學校. 最新G1中文筆試題. G1中文筆試題. 考路試英文. 駕駛教材. G1英文筆試題. 全科減保險證書. 散鐘教練. 加拿大汽車保險.
加拿大考牌. 加拿大考驾照. 考牌练车. 多伦多练车. 最新G1中英文笔试. 多伦多教练. 加拿大考驾照. 练车. 加拿大驾驶教练. 驾驶教练. 多伦多教车师傅. 开车教练. 考G1. 考G2牌. 考G牌. 考驾照. 多伦多驾驶学校. 最新G1中文笔试题. G1中文笔试题. 考路试英文. 驾驶教材. G1英文笔试题. 全科减保险证书. 散钟教练. 加拿大汽车保险.
加拿大考牌. 加拿大考驾照. 考牌练车. 多伦多练车. 最新G1中英文笔试. 多伦多教练. 加拿大考驾照. 练车. 加拿大驾驶教练. 驾驶教练. 多伦多教车师傅. 开车教练. 考G1. 考G2牌. 考G牌. 考驾照. 多伦多驾驶学校. 最新G1中文笔试题. G1中文笔试题. 考路试英文. 驾驶教材. G1英文笔试题. 全科减保险证书. 散钟教练. 加拿大汽车保险.