以下是我編寫的 1-15 個學車課程車課程 Driving Precautions and school curriculum.
1, 直路開車: 1. Straight Road Driving
1,人坐在路中心, 望遠方. 2, 看紅綠燈. 3, 跟着前面車的速度, 及保持一根电線杆距離. 4, 觀看左边路前方的車輛, 有否 想變到我們的路上. 5, 看右邊路口的車輛有否想搶轉出來, 及觀看路牌. 6, 剎車之前, 看后鏡車輛. 1. While driving in the center lane, focus your attention further away, being aware of traffic signs and any upcoming traffic lights 2. While being aware of the speed of the vehicle ahead of you, make sure to maintain a distance similar to the space between two telephone poles. 3. Keep an eye on cars in intersecting roads, changing lanes if necessary. 4. Look to your blind spot if changing lanes. 5. When braking, check rear view mirror to avoid any possibility of an oncoming collision. |
2, 變線 Lane Change
1, 先看前左方線上是否有變過去的空位,同時跟前車保 持一至速度. 2, 看后鏡是否也有空位. 3, 打燈. 4, 轉头90。望左盲點是否安全. 如有車則等盲點的车過后再从新觀看一次后鏡. 5, 安全后跟着左前方的車輛加速變線過去.( 變線時方 向盤不能扭太多, 太急,眼應看着左前方的車輛跟着駛入. 6,關燈. 1. While maintaining a speed constant to vehicles around you, look to the lane next to you to see if there is space while keeping the vehicle at a distance of about 2 telephone poles apart from the car in front. 2. Check rear-view and side mirrors, if oncoming vehicle is not fully in rear-view mirror, do not commence lane change as the vehicle is possibly at a faster speed and passing by. 3. Signal light 4. Check blind spot through 90° head turn to check if there are any vehicles directly beside you. If there is a vehicle beside you, allow it to pass, then repeat step 2. 5. If all steps are followed and the way is clear, slowly change lanes by easing the steering wheel in the direction of the lane. DO NOT abruptly twist the steering wheel. |
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學車怎樣找教練 Canada Driver Training And Drive Test
G1考試, G2,G牌考試,特快排考期,減保險證書,特價保險,交通告票